Tag Archives: tubular flowers

Trumpet Vines

Plant a Trumpet Vine to Attract Hummingbirds

We are getting to the end of hummingbird season on the east coast. We only have another 1 1/2 months of very active birds in the area.

If you are considering plants for the hummingbirds take a hard look at a trumpet vine. This vine grows fast (and I mean fast). The trumpet vine with its tubular flowers is a favorite for the hummingbirds.

In the southeast it blooms all summer long and begins flowering right  after the crossvine which flowers at the end of March. It needs full sun.

Word of caution, the trumpet vine needs maintenance just to hold it back (i.e. serious pruning). I’m not sure how big this plant would get if you just  let it go but in my yard I have to cut it back every fall.

Here’s a picture of one I got from our twitter account. Plant tubular flowers like the trumpet vine and you will get the hummingbirds.